Nordic Academic Press på ESSHC Valencia 2016

Nordic Academic Press fanns med bland bokborden på European Social Sciences History Conference som i år hölls 30 mars–2 april på universitetet i Valencia, Spanien.

ESSHC organiseras av The International Institute of Social History (IISH) i Amsterdam, och hålls en gång vartannat år. Syftet med konferensen är att vara en mötesplats för forskare i historia och sociologi bland annat.

Nordic Academic Press representerades av vår återförsäljare Gazelle via Charlotte och Peter Prout, som tillgodosåg besökare med blädderex av våra titlar. Intresset för bland annat Social Transformations in Scandinavian Cities, Divided Cities och Social Science in Context var påtagligt.

Peter Prout rapporterar:

The ESSH conference was attended by around 1500 delegates and our table was strategically positioned near the coffee area. We thus received visits from a considerable number of attendees. As far as we could see, the largest group of historians were specialized in the history of medicine and science, followed by economic history. The geographical spread was mainly European of course, but there were a fair number of academics from further afield, particularly the Americas.

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