A Clean House?

219.00 kr

Studies of Corruption in Sweden


Andreas Bergh, Gissur Ó Erlingsson, Mats Sjölin & Richard Öhrvall

Enligt så gott som alla internationella rankningslistor över korruption är Sverige bland de minst korrupta länderna i världen, med få avslöjade fall. Men innebär det att det svenska samhället inte alls är drabbat?

Författarna till A Clean House? kastar med sin bok ljus över en ljusskygg verksamhet. Deras studie kombinerar aktuell forskning och egna empiriska undersökningar.

Vad vet vi om korruption i Sverige, och vad kan sägas om utvecklingen över tid? Bokens författare, med bakgrund i samhällsvetenskap och ekonomi, visar hur länder som ses som okorrupta kan ha specifika problem som ej bör underskattas eller ignoreras. Detta är den första djupgående studien på engelska av korruption i ett lågkorrupt, utvecklat välfärdsland.

Genom att peka på orsaker, händelseförlopp och konsekvenser av korruption i lågkorrupta länder identifierar författarna faktorer som saknas i internationella undersökningar av korruption. De föreslår konstruktiva reformer som kan motverka de typer av korruption som förekommer i ”hälsosamma” samhällen.


According to virtually all international corruption rankings, Sweden is one of the top performing countries with very few exposed incidents of corruption. But does this automatically imply that it can be declared a perfectly ‘healthy patient’? By extensively reviewing existing research and adding empirical sets of data, the authors of A Clean House? shed light on shady corners of the Swedish case.

What do we know about corruption in Sweden, and what can be said of such affairs over time? Four scholars of political science and economics describe how countries typically viewed as low-corruption states can have particular problems that should not be underestimated nor neglected. This is the first comprehensive study in English of corruption in a low-corruption, mature welfare state.

By revealing causes, scope and consequences of the corruption in low-corruption countries, the authors point out shortcomings in the international evaluations of corruption, and suggest constructive reforms that might curb the types of corruption occurring in ”healthy” societies.


Andreas Bergh is Associate Professor in economics at Lund university and the Research Institute of Industrial Economics. His research concerns the welfare state, institutions, development, globalization and social norms. Webbsida: http://andreasbergh.se/

Gissur Ó Erlingsson is Associate Professor in political science at Centre of Municipality Studies, Linköping university. His research concerns local democracy, political parties and public corruption. Webbsida: https://gissur.se/

Mats Sjölin is Professor in political science at Linnaeus University. He has led research projects on political ethics and party government. His research has been published in journals such as Government & Opposition, Local Government Studies, Scandinavian Political Studies, and in several books. Webbsida: https://lnu.se/personal/mats.sjolin/

Richard Öhrvall is a PhD candidate in political science at Linköping University and researcher at the Research Institute of Industrial Economics. His research has been published in journals such as Acta Politica, Electoral Studies, Local Government Studies, and in several books. Webbsida: http://richardohrvall.com/




Andreas Bergh, Gissur Ó Erlingsson, Mats Sjölin, Richard Öhrvall




219 kr


160 sid


A Clean House?: Studies of Corruption in Sweden



