14 apr Sofia Widén
Sofia Widén is Program Manager at ACCESS Health International, an international think tank and advisory group on health. Sofia oversees the development of the Swedish office of ACCESS Health and leads the Elder Care Case Studies project, a series of studies on innovative long term care in Sweden and elsewhere in Europe. Previously, Sofia worked as a legislative aide in the United States, where she worked on education, healthcare reform, and environmental laws. She holds a Master of Arts in Economics and Politics from the University of Edinburgh in the United Kingdom. She studied French at the Sorbonne in Paris and in Montréal, Canada.
Aging with Dignity
Innovation and Challenge in Sweden – the Voice of Care Professionals
Sofia Widén & William A. Haseltine
Demographic change is a defining issue of our time. The worldwide population is aging and countries are facing ongoing challenges in caring for their elderly. Will countries be able to overcome these challenges?